Email Solutions
& Protection


We all hate to be fooled.

Most of us think we'll spot a fake email phising for our password or trapped once you've downloaded the fake invoice that's gift to you is a virus.


You didn't build a business up to be crippled on it's knees by a ransom threat or a virus to wipe out your data when you're in the land of snooze. Most team members won't tell you what they've clicked on by accident - too scared and embarrased at being fooled.


For less than the price of a G&T (single), our SpamCleanse solution will save you losing the money that could buy you a small Gin distillery and your industry reputation - and you won't have to resist the temptation to poke people with sticks that've been 'fooled'.


Maybe your email is more of a time machine, still on an Exchange Server, rather than a slick, modern marvel? That being Microsoft 365 - tis on the Cloud, giving your inbox the jet fuel to zoom into today, making missed messages and “inbox full” alerts in ancient history.


Why Upgrade Your Email Game?


In the wild world of work, your email is your trusty steed. It’s how you communicate, collaborate, and conquer your to-do list. But it can feel more like a stubborn mule when it's not working for you. We’re here to change that, transforming your email from a necessary evil into your most powerful tool.


What’s In It for You?


  • Access Anywhere - Read, reply, and revel in your emails from anywhere. All you need is an internet connection, and you’re golden.
  • Stay Organized - Say goodbye to clutter. With smarter folders and tags, finding that important email is as easy as pie.
  • Collaborate Effortlessly - Sharing documents and collaborating on projects becomes a breeze.
  • High-End Security - With state-of-the-art security features, your emails are locked tighter than in Fort Knox. Spam and phishing attempts? Not on our watch.


Making the Move

Switching to Email Solutions 365 might sound like a big deal, but we make it as easy as changing your socks. We handle the nitty-gritty, so you don’t have to lift a finger—except to click “send” on your snazzy new email system.


So, if you’re ready to make email headaches a thing of the past and step into a world where your inbox works as hard as you do, let’s talk. 


SpamCleanse and 365 is your ticket to a smoother, smarter way of working.



Our Spamfiltering and Advanced Threat Protection will keep out all the dangerous emails. All links and attachments are opened in a seperate and  secure area, this protects your organisation's network incase of malicious intent. If someone accidently opens a malicious attachment or link, it will be blocked from being opened.


We'll do Multifactor Authentication checks 24x7 to ensure no one in your business has turned it off MFA on their Microsoft 365 and is left vulnerable to hackers.


Someone could be in any one of your teams email or SharePoint and you wouldn't know.  We monitor all accounts 24x7 for unusal logins, such as overseas countries and unknown IP addresses. Any breach found the account will be disabled and the password changed and a call to you to tell you what happened



Want to get rid of Spam email AND improve security, lets have a chat!


Scared your team will click on 'one of those dodgy links' ?


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